Regardless of its shape and skin color, the body of the Amazon is its Temple. Her legs are as strong as the trunk of the tree in order to carry her and allow her to move forward, her belly and chest breathe to connect her to the Wind, her gaze is turned to Heaven and hope. The practice of yoga (or any other discipline combining muscle building, breathing and consciousness) allows him to tone up, in order to ensure the health of his vehicle.
The body is the living and organic matter vibrating with life, it receives external information and captures every emotion that passes through its fibers, the body is a mirror of the soul and its deep desires.
The legs symbolize our stability, our anchoring, but also the movement, our ability to move forward in our existence and to walk towards our dreams. Having strong legs, with strong muscles, is the assurance of being well camped in our lives. When we root our two feet in the earth, when our foot plants are spread out on the ground, we are anchored and nothing (or almost) can destabilize us.
Let’s explore together some yoga postures to strengthen our legs and feel stronger, in order to nourish our Amazon souls.
The so-called ferocious posture or the Chair
From Tadasana (standing posture), take a deep breath and raise your arms to the sky. However, the shoulders remain far from the ears. Stretch your spine, then exhale by bending your knees, just as if you were going to sit on an imaginary chair behind you. Keep your back, neck and arms aligned. The big toes should always be visible. If this is not the case, step back your pelvis, trying not to lean the upper body too far forward. Take at least three deep breaths in the posture, before you straighten up and return to Tadasana. Close your eyes to accommodate the effects of this asana, bringing your attention to your legs.
Virabhadrasana II
Posture of the Warrior II
From Tadasana (standing posture), take a deep breath and jump by opening your legs lengthwise from your best yoga mat. The feet are separated by at least 1m30 or more depending on your size. Stretch your arms on either side, aligned, palms of hands facing the ground. Then, turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right, i.e. the toes are facing the narrow edge of the carpet. The outer edge of the left foot remains aligned with the narrow edge of the left-sided carpet. Bend your right knee so that it is placed above your right ankle at a right angle. Feel the power in your legs. The look, drishti, stares at the horizon with confidence, above your right hand. Your attitude is assured but never proud. Breathe consciously for a minute or more depending on your posture training.
The Eagle
According to Hindu mythology, Garuda is also Vishnu’s vehicle; its resemblance to the eagle is striking.
Departure in Tadasana (standing posture); hands on the hips, bend the right knee slightly, then pass the left leg over it: the left thigh is superimposed on the right thigh. To choose from, depending on your current options, place the tip of the toes of the left foot on the ground near the right ankle or twist your leg so that the left foot wraps around the right ankle to balance and not slip.
Then place your left arm in the shape of a right angle in front of you, fingers pointed skyward. Overlay the right elbow to the left. The forearms and back of the hands touch each other. You can also wrap your arms to each other for further stretching in the shoulders and upper back. Remember to breathe well even if the posture is slightly contained. Attach a point to the horizon beyond the hands to maintain a good balance.
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
The posture of the extended arm to the big toe
This relatively advanced posture requires flexibility, strength, and a tightrope walker balance.
Start from Tadasana (standing position). When exhaling, bring your right knee close to the chest, then grab your right big toe with your thumb, index finger and middle finger. Place your left hand on your left hip and set a point on the horizon to strengthen your balance. Take a few breaths as well. Eventually, stretch your right leg in front of you; however do not force the extension of the knee at the risk of injuring yourself. Remember that the desired purpose of this posture is balance, and strengthening the ground leg: stretching the right leg is not an obligation, it is an option.
For more experienced yogis, it is possible to grasp the right foot between the hands, and to bring the chin closer to the leg by stretching the back, in order to benefit from the posture optimally, i.e. by stretching the entire back of the body.
We hope that this article will allow you to deepen your practice and feel stronger and stronger on your supports, beautiful modern-day Amazons.
Do other postures inspire you in this way of leg strengthening and stability? Don’t hesitate to comment on this!
Mantra to recite during posture practice:
I honor my body and my inner divinity
I’m solid on my support
And I walk with will towards my dreams
I am the mistress of my life.
Beautiful practice, Namasté